2010 ALCS vs Rangers…Game 4

I really dont feel like adding a whole lot to the whole AJ Burnett pitching thing…besides, one of my previous posts still sum everything up nicely on the matter. That being said, unless the Yankees win tonight, the season is already over.

Pitching Burnett with his terrible season, and terrible performance in his simulated game earlier is an insult to the year the Yankees have had up until this point. Tonight is a chance to even up the series, and keeps those slim hopes alive that we can avoid a Cliff Lee encore, and instead of pitching Sabathia (or anyone else for that matter) Girardi goes with the most unreliable pitcher on rotation?

Either Girardi knows something the rest of us dont and is throwing in the towel in 2 losses early…or he knows something the rest of us dont and knows Burnett has the mother of all aces up his sleeve and will pitch an absolute gem…


Whats the big deal with tonight?

If Burnett does what Burnett does best…
The Yankees than fall into a 1-3 hole in the series, which would guarentee a Cliff Lee game in game 7…if the Yankees even make it that far. It would force all our starters to be perfect from here on out, when only Pettitte has even been close to good so far. It would be a steep, not insurmountable, battle and forces the Yankees to try to pick up the slack for AJ again.

If Burnett shocks the world and wins…
As inprobable as it seems, Burnett has a history of showing up in October…the moments are rare, but they exist. But if Burnett was to turn everything around tonight, it might inspire the rest of the team to start playing like defending world champions too. then we head into a game 5 with everything tied up 2-2 against the Rangers with a fully rested (but not over rested) Sabathia and all of a sudden there seems to be hope. Actual, tangable hope-not only to win this thing, but to win it in 6 games, thus rendering Cliff Lee useless.

We need 2009 World Series game 2 AJ Burnett tonight…not Wild Thing Burnett…




…no one will judge you for not holding your breath though…

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